Send Secret Anonymous Messages Online

Welcome to Hashit, where anonymity meets interactivity! Say goodbye to the limitations of traditional messaging apps and embrace a world where you can be your true self without revealing your identity.

App Mobile

With private messaging, you can be yourself, speak freely and comfortable to say whatever you want.

Why Choose Hashit

Our Anonymous Messaging App comes along with many great features. Here we are going to list some of them. Have a look below.

App Groups


Hashit ensures your privacy, keeping you anonymous when sending secret messages until you choose to reveal your identity.



Hashit is built for user-friendliness. Simply sign up with, enter username and password to begin.

Total Privacy

Total Privacy

Your safety is our priority. Use our reporting system to report anything hate, bullying or anything you find offensive.

Receive anonymous messages from friends online!

Welcome to Hashit, where anonymity meets interactivity! Say goodbye to the limitations of traditional messaging apps and embrace a world where you can be your true self without revealing your identity.
